Monday, February 22, 2010
The word "carpenter" is the English rendering of the Old French word carpentier which is derived from the Latin carpentrius "(maker) of a carriage.[2] The Middle English word (in the sense of "builder") was wright (from the Old English wryhta), which could be used in compound forms such as wheelwright or boatwright.A carpenter (builder) is a skilled craftsperson who performs carpentry, see also Joiner. Carpenters work with wood to construct, install and maintain buildings, furniture, and other objects. The work may involve manual labor and work outdoors.
what is carpentry??
Carpentry skill is gained through experience and study. Outside of unions, there are no formal training requirements (in the U.S.) and the trade can be easy to enter. In other countries, such as Germany, Japan and Canada there are strict standards.Friday, February 19, 2010
Top Lumber Countries
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations published the following statistics for round lumber production in 2003. During that year, total world production was 118 trillion cubic feet (3.34 trillion cubic meters). The following 10 countries account for 60% of world timber production.
- United States … 15.82 trillion cubic feet (13.5% of total world production)
- India … 11.33 trillion cubic feet (9.6%)
- China … 10.1 trillion cubic feet (8.6%)
- Brazil … 8.42 trillion cubic feet (7.1%)
- Canada … 6.88 trillion cubic feet (5.8%)
- Russia … 5.95 trillion cubic feet (5%)
- Indonesia … 3.96 trillion cubic feet (3.4%)
- Ethiopia … 3.32 trillion cubic feet (2.8%)
- Democratic Republic of Congo … 2.55 trillion cubic feet (2.2%)
- Nigeria … 2.47 trillion cubic feet (2.1%).
Carpentry Tips...
1. Measure Twice And Cut Once
2.Swing With Wrist Grasshopper
3.Get To The Point
Keep your pencils sharp.The finer your point the more accurate the cut will be
TOOL TIP......
"It's Better to be over prepared than under prepared"
When working on a carpentry job, bring the right tools to the right job. Also bring more than what you need. Because chances are if you do not than you may not complete the project in a timely manor. One of the secrets on being a great carpenter is being prepared for anything.
Here is the tip; create a checklist so you will always be prepared. Instead of wondering what tool is missing or do everything you need, all you have to do is put a check on the check list and you are done. Its just that simple and that one small step makes a world of difference for you. It eliminates all your doubts and worrying.
Hand Tools & Carpentry Tools
For professional and amateur builders alike, the successful completion of a project relies on the assistance of hand tools, from everyday ones like hammers and screwdrivers, to more specialized ones like carpentry tools, leveling tools, shaping tools, and cutting tools. Whether you’re building a do-it-yourself birdhouse or converting a garage into a guesthouse, you’re going to need the help of these handy guys. The articles below are designed to help you acquaint yourselves with the functions of various types of common hand tools before beginning your project.